Kenji Miyazawa

Kenji Miyazawa(1896-1933)

He is one of the most read and loved writers across all the generations in Japan. He left many masterpieces such as “Amenimomakezu (Not losing to the rain),” “Kaze no Matasaburo (Matasaburo of the Winds),” and “Gingatetsudo no Yoru (Night on the Galactic Railroad) .” He deeply loved his native province, Iwate, and “Ihatov”, the name of the utopia that appeared in his works, was constructed from the name Iwate in a manner similar to Esperanto. This utopia is widely known in Japan along with his works.He died of acute pneumonia on September 21, 1933.

<The grave location>

Shinshoji Temple

Ishigamicho, Hanamaki-shi, Iwate
